Chinhoyi Recreational Park
Chinhoyi Caves Recreational Park
The Caves consist of a system of tunnels and caverns. This system is a dying one (in geological time spans), in that they are slowly collapsing. These collapses can be noticed by the sink holes and depressions within the surrounding area. The Wonder Hole, which is the main feature of the Caves, is in fact a “swallow hole” or a large cavern with a collapsed roof. The walls or sides of the Wonder Hole drop vertically down for 150 feet to the Sleeping Pool. The pool is unbelievably blue and crystal clear which reflects great depth and non – flowing water in the Sleeping Pool varies between 80 metres and 91 metres.
- Cave Exploration
- Scuba Diving
- Game Viewing
Adults 3.00
Children 2.00
Non Residents
Adults 15.00
Children 8.00

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Zimbabwe Tourism 2020